Well I tried…

Posted: March 22, 2011 in running
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Not quite as intended but today I did my first triathlon.

Not an official one maybe but still valid in my book. (‘the big book of unofficial but still valid triathlons’ by notmuchofarunner)

I had the day off work today so started by taking my firstborn to school, pushing the awake ‘notmuchofasleeper’ in the buggy. After the school drop, I then ran with said buggy and said baby to grandparents house, where said baby would be well looked after for the day, before running home (total 7miles approx.) …that’s me running… Not her… I don’t expect her to literally run before she can walk.

Oh…. but I’d left minorly important objects (bottle, milk, etc) at home so after arriving at home there was swift transition to bike interspersed with changing shirt, washing up and hanging out of clothes and putting new load on and pumping up tyres and making packed lunch and I was on my way back to grandparents with appropriate supplies this time!

Also, I was on my road bike, which I’ve not ridden for longer than ages and when I get on it I feel like I’ve just learned to ride, at until I’ve got my speed up. I also feel that pressure of having a bike that looks better than I do and may give the inaccurate impression that I’m better than is actually the case. Not that it stopped people misjudging my speed and pulling out in front of me so I nearly go into the back md them!
Maybe my slender frame is like that of a stealth bomber? Maybe.

So anyway, after a route that took me into the moderate countryside for a bit and a light picnic (which I forgot to photograph for my photo-diet so I’ve snapped the leftovers and wrappers instead minus the sandwich) it was maybe only about 11 miles or so to test out the biking legs and biking bum (which is definely going to need some training) before heading to the pool…

…only to realise that if I want to go swimming NOW I have to either:

a) age 17 years instantly to access the 50+ swim


b) become pregnant to access aqua-natal exercises

As neither of those options appealed to me I opted instead to go home, bath, not drink enough water and subsequently suffer headaches for the rest of the day, pick up boy from school and go swimming with him a bit later. Which was great.

So there we have it. My first triathlon. Albeit a reverse one (run,bike,swim) and with housework and personal care inbetween transitions.

Not a bad start methinks 🙂

  1. Chris says:

    Excellent. Now all you need is a GPS of your route and a timing chip!

  2. oldbagrunning says:

    wow! are you going to work for a break? lol
    well done.. 😉

  3. fortnightflo says:

    LOL – sounds like a great day!

  4. Great stuff!
    Next time – double the run and cycle so you’ll look so worn out you can swim with the over 50’s!!!

  5. shazruns says:

    A true triathlon. Amazed you fitted it in, trust you have been resting since

    • Well actually, as I was really supervising smaller swimmers during the pool session, I hit the pool the next day too and did a bit over 1km. All breaststroke though. Couldn’t do more than 2 lengths of crawl at a time! Will need major practise.

  6. jensruns2011 says:

    Yay – great 1st triathalon! Picnic in the countryside sounds lovely! 🙂

  7. abradypus says:

    The individual elements sound great…but you’ll have to work on those transitions 🙂

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