Posts Tagged ‘toothache’

Miss me? I very much doubt it.

I did exercise yesterday (day 5). 2 hours of tennis.

 In the rain.

This is as close to proof as you’re going to get…

One very wet hoodie.

It was to take my mind off my tooth. It worked…briefly…But then I barely slept last night and I ate nothing all day today (until this evening – now regretting it)

Hmmm… Just kinda looks like a regular mugshot, but I assure you, me left jaw feels like I’ve been punched. Hard. And then I’ve been forced to eat a golf ball… made of cotton wool.

No exercise today. 



Sleep needed. 

Tooth out tomorrow methinks. 😦


Posted: July 16, 2011 in London Marathon, running
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As I write this (pants!), I am the not-so-proud owner of a very painful tooth, as I sit in the waiting room of my (arse!) dentist’s surgery trying to second guess the fate of my (crikey me!) gnashers… In my expert (balls!) professional opinion, I think – abscess… and from what a friend was telling me – root (yowsers!) canal work… Oh joy.
I’m in pain, by the way, proper full-on pain, so sorry for the uncharacteristic obscenities littered amongst this (crappity-crap!) post. It is really a means of distraction for me right now.


I obviously didn’t get to finish my post on friday.  I got called through… but I thought I’d leave it in this post.

Well I was half right… After some prodding, a bit more pain, questions and an x-ray, it was confirmed that it is indeed an abscess but due to the size, positioning, and likely success (or not) of root canal work, I’ve been told i could still go for root canal work, but I’ve been advised towards extraction. Suits me! ‘Get rid as soon as possible’ I said. And I was given a prescription for antibiotics and advised to get some stronger painkillers.

It’s a lower-right molar so I don’t mind a gap there and I certainly don’t want this thing coming back. It is more painful than running mile 23 of the London Marathon in 2005 when I was undertrained, overweight, and very unfit… and that was painful!… 5.5 hours it took me that year :-S !

Anyway… this appointment had been with a new dentist as my regular one at the practice is on his holidays, but in booking back with my regular one for the extraction, it will be 3 weeks, oh except I’m on my holiday then so we make it a week later.

… As I walked down the road to the pharmacy for my antibiotics, the effects of all the prodding and biting down on x-ray plates started to cause me to pause to collect myself together a number of times before continuing. However, when the lady behind the counter told me it would be a 15 min wait AND, as she didn’t have a working til, I would have to now join the back of the regular shop queue which was now 5 people long… THAT’S when it began to hit me in a big way…. The combination of the pain, the two nights of very poor sleep and the prospect of it continuing for another month, meant that by the time I got to the front of the queue, I was in danger of making a real public idiot of myself!

… have you ever been in a fight? Not necessarily recently, but ever? You know how you’re all pumped-up and ready for whatever comes at you, to give as good as you get, and all that macho stuff… Well I don’t know what it’s like as an adult because I’ve not been in a ‘grown-up fight’ (oxymoron??) but I have as a child, and once the fight had stopped, regardless of the outcome and the presence or absence of injury, I felt an uncontrollable urge to burst into tears, even though that is a very bad thing to do when you’re at school…

I think I looked something like this

…Well it was like that now at the front of the queue for painkillers. With tears in my eyes, I managed (quite easily I think) to explain to the elderly lady serving that I was in pain, and that something stronger than paracetamol and ibuprofen would be appreciated.  She was lovely, and I left with some stuff that you can’t take for more that 3 days in case you get addicted to it (that runs out tomorrow by the way), and a resolve to go back to the dentist to request politely that perhaps I might be seen earlier than in 4 weeks time.  I needed a few minutes composure time before walking back into the dentist… so that I could actually talk… but result – only have to wait for a week now – with another different dentist – but look at my face… is it bothered?… It is not.

Running has been one of the last things on my mind at present.  However, since the end of Juneathon I have put on weight and been very undisciplined about exercise so, whilst still undisciplined, I have just not felt like eating much so the weight is back to a Juneathon-finishing fighting weight (Slightly below clinically obese but still in the overweight category – apparently!)

I have signed myself up for the Marathontalk magic mile, mind you. And before all this tooth stuff kicked in I had done a couple of mile-long runs with the buggy (an 8:20 and an 8:30) and one without the buggy (7:31), but I haven’t been following the 6 week  recommended free speed-training programme provided on the Marathontalk site. So it will be interesting to see if I get time to actually improve things before the first week in August when I have to give it flat-out effort.  I’ll let you know.

As for the press-ups…?… well… these also ceased since the toothache started. I managed 50 in one go before it all kicked off but I’ve had fever and muscle weakness accompanying the abscess so not most condusive to any sort of training really. I might try again now though, cos I feel I could, just to see…

…hang on…

… ok… I just managed to equal the 50… happy with that for now… but I really don’t think 100 is anywhere in sight at the moment.

If I don’t post again before next weekend, it means I’ve died on the dentist’s chair.